Saturday, August 26, 2006 / moving house
moving house on tuesday..
its the first time ive seen all the rooms empty of a bed in more than 9 years. im sleeping on the floor in my first bedroom because my queensize bed and all the other bedframes have been dismantled. even the header of my mothers bed has been packed away already. well at least i now have a measure of exactly how much stuff i have for running away.. heh. i have 1 luggage full, plus one small trolley luggage full, a plastic container full, a ladies backpack (those small black cute kind, mine is full of my precious books), 2 slingbags (books and files) and 2 cardboard boxes (my computer). oh i forgot. a badminton raquet and a guitar as well. yups. oh oh oh and a few boxes of books! x))))) ok so mainly its just a hell lot of books and paper. EEPS! but i dont even use those books. lol.
and i just started playing maple again. at 130am this morning or something. im got to lvl 10 already. hardcored from 0130 to 0200 i believe, and got to level 6. now im level 10.
Crowded streets are cleared away
One by One
Hollow heroes separate
As they run
You're so cold
Keep your hand in mine
Wise men wonder while
Strong men die
Show me how it ends it's alright
Show me how defenseless you really are
satisfied and empty inside
That's alright, let's give this another try
If you find your family, don't you cry
In this land of make-believe, dead and dry
You're so cold, but you feel alive
Lay your hand on me one last time
[Chorus x2]
It's alright [x9]
i suddenly dont mind chilli, lol.
soon going choing studies and play games with myself.
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
6:32 PM
i finally finished kokoda!! woots!
soon bao going to say im gay.
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
1:14 AM
Friday, August 25, 2006 / girls!

i just decided i wish to have a jewellery box. a small pretty one made of metal. a really pretty one. thats good quality. and hopefully someone will buy for me so that its not only lovely, it has sentimental value, just like all my other belongings. i know theres alot i like at j8 and far east. btw this octopus is like my DREAM jewellery box though. hehe. i need a good nice place to keep all my jewellery.
now theres a new song that reminds me of bao. so cold - breaking benjamin. damn nice song. soooo nice. everything by breaking benjamin is nice. ahaha i wish i could "break" benjamin chow, the bastard that caused me to build this sucky com instead of having my beautiful little baby compy.
do you know why octopussies are octopussies and not octopi? its because octopussies sounds nicer. and octopussies makes octopussies sound SEXAY. ahahaaa. octopi means octo-pi, 8 pi. octopussie means octo-pussie cats. 8 little kittens! ((:
i think lastnight / this morning everyone was chionging essay lol. including wenxin. ehehe.and i think SOMEONE was awake JUST keeping her company.
why are there suddenly so many popup ads?! its damn toot please. suddenly everysingle website i visit is plagued with the damn ads. wtffffffff.
the econs test was damn easy please, even though everyone said it was hard. like wth, it was EASY. i could answer the questions easily, etcetc and i finished in 2/5 of the allocated time. i dont mean to be damn arrogant or overconfident, but it WAS easy, especially since i had actually planned to write crap for every single question. i ended up doing the whole thing properly, it was so simple.
and thanks to everyone who helped in my essay. now i shall just await the results.
and today i was damn useless in computing. in computer scholarship i was fine, but in programming i just.. somehow brain more than 80% asleep, and whatever else.. couldnt do anything much. ahahaha only made 4 useless programs. VISUAL BASIC SUCKS AND IS FOR NOOBS. (like me!) xDxD
note: next bit contains some.. partial nudity.
today.. girls were showing off.. *cough*breasts&bras*cough*. ahahah. and peeking down each others shirts! eep! ahahhaha. and then we held a discussion and realised: you can show off however much of your *cough*breast*cough* that you want, but not the *cough*nipple*cough*. somehow thats just how it is. and now i can name all the girls underwear colour! xD
yesyes we're very horny. AHA, commenting on the size of each others chest and discussing bras. omgomg what am i.
DOTA TIME =) says:
the pic
«zħέичu» so cold says:
not me what
«zħέичu» so cold says:
zhuyi what
DOTA TIME =) says:
looks like u
DOTA TIME =) says:
«zħέичu» so cold says:
DOTA TIME =) says:
YAYA, realised im now sharing my blog? :DD
who else want? open to all whose names are in "thistles"
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
8:15 PM
«zħέичu» IWANPWEESHH says:
nvm i wait
theng (: says:
haha it's okay la
theng (: says:
you have a test tmr baby
«zħέичu» IWANPWEESHH says:
«zħέичu» IWANPWEESHH says:
i finally finished! woots!!~ 110 lines of PERFECT handwriting. not a single cancellation or letter unclear. (((: im so proud! ahahah. its been a long time since i could do that. i type too much, write too little and my english sucks now. eeps!
econs test today! time to SPAM DRAWINGS on my test paper. haha. its time to follow penpen's example. give cutecute answers and for me, pray teacher donate marks. HAH.
nights people! oh ya i finished The Last Hero.
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
2:09 AM
Thursday, August 24, 2006 / awww kangan
awww.. kangan's blog is so nice! (:
so anyway today i found out more about the comments given to my mother. apparently the teacher says that gep is.. nothing? i beat the gep as well. note that this is sciences, notably chem, and not anything else. and today i had fun pouring acid on my shirt AGAIN. didnt even stain, please.
i promise never to take drugs or smoke or even drink large amounts of alcohol. i wont ever get drunk. small amounts just for fun are fine, because theres no way to run away at social events, and because i will want to taste vodka again some day. but definitely no smoking or drugs. they are EVIL. oh, no beer too.
and i really want to play magic. saw some people playing magic today, and now im just so tempted. i shall think about my deck AFTER ive finished my huge pile of homework. hopefully. *prays* - god of magic, please pity me, let me resist the temptation until after i finish my essay and book review. - *pray* hmmm a black + green deck? black + red deck? OHNOES ITS STARTING!! nonono must finish my book and then do essay. PWEESH, GOD OF MAGIC.
this is your earring.
this is your ear.
this is a little alien inside your ear.
this is your face.
this is a lollipop.
these are your kitty paws.
this is your butt.
this is your tail it goes foof.
these are the claws they are very spiky.
this is your anime hair its all boofy.
oh yes, i wanted to mention my computing timetable / times i can go online.
monday to friday 1045 to 1115, 1315 to 1345.
monday 1115 to 1315. (total 1045 to 1345)
wednesday 0830 to 0930.
thursday 1215 to 1315.
friday 1115 to 1215 and 1345 to 1445.
baobao is it possible for you to submit all my applications for me if i give you in one envelope? and i really need to get that statement done SOON if i want to apply..
krikri once said i had a veyr comfortable hip. now its neck too. my BUTT must be comfortable too! :DD
currently finishing off The Last Hero and then finally getting onto my essay.
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
3:15 PM
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 / no more meebo really has been blocked.
and my shirt is still not religious. BAD SHIRT! my chemistry teacher called my mother today, so im very lucky he didnt catch me pouring acid through my shirt. interestingly, the opening statement wasnt "your child trinity has been misbehaving and constantly disrupting the class." it was something like "trinity is an EXCELLENT student and i am very impressed. she is constantly top and shows great potential in chemistry. she has expressed to me that she wished to be a chemical engineer. what do you think?". HAH it wasnt about rude little me.
sadly, however, i am now collapsing under the workload because i havent touched anything but chemistry for more than 2 weeks. still got that essay, a storyboard, 2 book reviews, currently 15 pages of maths, upcoming maths test, upcoming econs test which means lots of revision worksheets, 40 chem questions, and now my statements thingy + 2 books being read halfway. arhhhhhh the temptation. well at least i have a nice blog.
and amazingly all i do in school is programming, surfing the web, drawing and reading storybooks. eeps!
"Giant spiders is always reliable, better'n octopussies, even."
"Anyone heard of Ning the Uncompassionate?"
"They must make you proud. I don't know when i've seen a more stupid bunch of henchmen. Harry, you're like a refreshin' fart in a roomful of roses. You bring 'em all along. I wouldn't hear of you staying behind."
All from a picture book i recommend EVERYONE in the world to read! The Last Hero, by Terry Pratchet. note: actually contains near nudity and offensive gestures.
«zħέичu» says:
love you FOREVER! ((((((:
This broken heart. says:
same here princess.
This broken heart. says:
look at my brother.
«zħέичu» says:
This broken heart. says:
he is a full-fledged ganster at 13. smokes, drinks and fights.
«zħέичu» says:
«zħέичu» says:
and his room?
This broken heart. says:
clean and tidy.
This broken heart. says:
This broken heart. says:
I have to go now.
This broken heart. says:
bye princess.
«zħέичu» says:
«zħέичu» says:
«zħέичu» says:
bye my prince. =P
This broken heart. says:
oh yea.
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
9:43 PM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / sleepinggg
ohnoes. i was right. the bathroom door is locked! and today im exceptionally dirty! and with no clothes to change. so i'm wearing my school uniform, and i plan to sleep like this too. and amazingly, i just HAPPEN to have happily poured acid on my shirt during chemistry. theres no way im sleeping like this in bed please. sticky, dirty, with acid on my shirt??! no way thanks. whatsmore, i had training today. my bed wants to commit suicide! so i shall sleep in front of the com instead thanks. actually wanted to sleep early tonight.
"Of three possible strategies, Potts decided on the one that seemed the least costly in terms of casualties; paradoxically, it also seemed the riskiest."
someone badly damaged a relationship.
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
11:20 PM
you notice how no one critisizes on deviantart? no one ever says "omg your drawing sucks" or anything mean at all. all you get is GOOD ADVICE / lovely compliments. why is that? because generally the pictures arent opened if you dont like them, it takes time to comment, and because its plain mean. it also may discourage budding and future PRO artists! but mostly its just mean and only comments for improvement are acceptable. everyone has their own tastes in art, opinions for everything. but majority generally matters most. or else those real big shots.
why cant certain ri gep realise that before they start making stupid comments. a blog is created by the owner for a purpose. mine was for certain FRIENDS to keep read, cos they are never there when its the right time. or things just cant be said personally.
and no i wasnt affected negatively by the posts on done by slau. they just make me laugh, or are rubbish.
i wont be online at school anymore.. just because of a no-brainer called marcos. what he did was damn dumb please. he was in the library and went on so openly. and of course was seen by the librarian. and she told the computing head.. and so tomorrow theres supposed to be no more meebo! omgomgomg! wth. someone please help me find a new website..
new chemistry experiments coming up! woots! the most important experiment (in my view) coming up is the one on i THINK sodium hydroxide. dont really remember. just know its a strong caustic base and we're going to dissolve CHICKEN bones in it. (dont worry not humans. never fear, nubpie is here.)
i dont know what happened, but now i have not a single school chemistry worksheet. why? because i gave my whole stack (though completed) has been given to anatasha. eeps! actually she was supposed to borrow the worksheets from jammy to photocopy, but since i was there, the teacher got me to give all mine to ana. he said i dont need them anyway.
im stilling doing the blog for kangan and me. dont know what to do. inspiration for the blog as a whole, but not for the main picture. ohnoes.
and i still have DAMN lot homework. and theres an econs test on friday, a maths test on monday, and whos knows what else. its not like i can be bothered to prepare though. ill TRY though. TRY, ok?
submitting my applications to all those places soon hopefully. hopefully ill submit the most important, due 30th august today or tomorrow.
moving house next tuesday! i havent been helping pack! but i HAVE packed abit of my stuff.
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
6:23 PM
quote from THAT WOMAN : your life is just like your room.
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
1:48 AM
Monday, August 21, 2006 / lucky lucky me
hehe im so lucky! maths teacher was away today, and the science homework was the stuff i had finished 2 weeks ago, not what i rushed to complete during maths. (:
krikri and tim really remind me of bao and i.
kri to tim: tim.. you dont like me do you.. ):
tim: ...
kri to tim: you hate me dont you... (stares)
tim: ...
kri to tim: omg tim you hate me! im gonna go cry to trin! (runs to me and hugs me)
trintrin you love me dont you..
me: yes..(hug) i love you..
:DD hehe!
timmy threatened me today.. threatened to *cough*rape*cough* me. then said i wasnt good enough to rape. loser ex-acsi. (: your chem still sucks compared to mine. HEHE hug me for answers! hug me more!
and i think i found out why brian doesnt want to be my best friend anymore. ): because he hangs out with steven! omg! they are inseperable now! and alex with eik lim! i lost my baby brian. aww..
the 4 most important people + 1 elite uber special pro queen etcetcetc.
WENXIN! bao, penpen, zhu and KANGAN! (((:
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
9:47 PM
presenting: the tome of thistles.
this is different from the tomb of thistles also known as because certain people desecrated the tomb by spamming the message area.
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
12:31 AM