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Friday, September 01, 2006 / ):

walao changchang just dont care me de. ):

very sad! how can like thattttt!

i very sad already.

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 2:10 PM


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 / shouldnt be on

i shouldnt be on laaaaa. but now im along in this bigbig house i spent 9years living with at some points of time..
yea. all the people left, and my mum is rushing back to pick me up later. laaaaaalalala. but then im not sure what to do right now. all thats in this house thats left is my computer, the phone, some photos and the chair im sitting on. woots.

and i chose the green room! at the back of the house, and im going to find a way to make it possible to have my computer in the room. @!#@$!@#$

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 6:43 PM


/ admission

the school selected me for the sec3 admission exercise. but i cant be there. so whats the point.. heartbroken.

and i think im finally getting better! i finally remembered how to sprint today. i was abit tired after running 400m (timing) and 100mhurdles (practice & timing) but then i went to do 100m and got 14.75sec! yay!!!!! im finally getting better again! if i got 14.75 while quite worn out, (no recup time, only the time i take to walk back to starting line), and not running my fastest, then i can get 13+ if i really prepare for it i hope! ((((: yayyyy! and my hurdles is SO DAMN LAUGHABLE x) 19.69. i LAUGH MY ASS OFF. x) but it WAS my first event for the day, so.. yea.

as usual the maths teacher was picking on me.. and as usual i was falling asleep the whole dayy.

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 4:19 PM


/ talking only to thomas

stupid bao. go chiong read for what! waste my energyy.

im sitting here talking to thomas only. then he disappeared. very sian. yaaaa. and silly thomas thinks nightmarish stuff is fun WTF. x)

want to thank pen, bd and nic chong for making the day better, no thanks to 2 stupid losers.. haha. and thanks to bao of course for everything.......

yups i think thats it. oh and zhu for talking to me. typing to me. whatever. x)

oh now theng going already..

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 12:21 AM


Monday, August 28, 2006 / bao wants me to post.

ok some blog readers who arent looking for more to read about, yes well im posting so damn much because bao wants me to post. and some other people who do not wish to become outdated. (:
bao says i should post "OOOOOOOOOOH i found a speck of dust on my nose!". yessssssss.

and he says that all this began because i randomly adding him on friendster in sec1.

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 6:41 PM


/ downloading

this is crazy. so many things to download.
im waiting to download my songs because right now im downloading:
codename gordon
condition zero deleted scenes
counter-strike: source &
half-life 2: deathmatch
even though i have no idea why. (:

i kinda forgot to mention that i had a DREAM 2 nights ago. all focused on one person. x) obviously, a boy. laaaalallaa. IT INVOLVED HOT SEEEEXXXXXX!!!!! ok joking. it was pretty sweet, although its been too long now and i dont remember what happened. i just know that i wasnt too nice at first, then we met outside a lan shop, smiled at each other, and suddenly i ran over and hugged him, and we lived happily ever after. something like that. (: we were holding hands and walking around j8 after that. j8 fused with lot1 and far east. LOL. that boy... might guess who he is. :P to be revealed later.

i didnt sleep last night but was crying. and i wish thomas had replied! ): thanks pen, changchang and thomas for helping me / keeping me company.

so im finally leaving the house i grew up in. this is probably the last day i'll be online here.

today english was IDIOTIC. i feel like never going to another english lesson. the girls were SO NOISY. giggling like hyenas. no not laughing, GIGGLING. and it was DAMN irritating. felt like throwing a hand grenade at them. just that the impact MIGHT be abit too big, depending where i throw it from. and another thing, i dont have hand grenades.

and today i had a maths test. and i screwed up. and now im thinking: why did i do that? my plan was actually to screw up everything, but i guess i cant. when the teacher collected my paper, she was like "now we see how much work youve been doing, trinity." she really believes im dumb. but then again, i hate her. picking on me whole day. she calls my name like at least 5 times a lesson, and thats 4 more than everyone else. and everyone can see she picks on me. dumb loser.

tomorrow im going to the school library and borrow Mao's Last Dancer by Li CunXin or whatever. been wanting to read that for a while now. and for english we're doing a novel, The Boy in Striped Pajamas. or something like that. sadly, i know the whole story! x))) like all of my blog readers probably do. its that story about that 9 year old boy in germany during the nazi takeover who makes friends with a jew and gets gassed with him at the end of the story. ):

hopefully bao will have my hi card top ready soon.. before my hicard expires. when im free, im going to get a new hicard and get that $28 for $100 thing. i use singtel. singtel is the best. :P well, im hoping to find or save enough money to buy a handphone. then i can give one to bao, whichever one he wants. (: baobao please get the key faster lehhhhh.

today in science extra thingy, timmy (the acsi IDIOT) and i had a fight. he hit me with his badminton raquet and made my jaw sore. ): and hopefully i will scar his hand. though i doubt it because i didnt even make him bleed. sighhhhh. stupid loser. all my friends are right. ASCI SUcKS. and theres a certain girl i know that sucks everything she can. yupyup. such a retard. and she thinks shes so damn smart? so what if shes "smart". shes not better than me in ANY subject. sport, english, maths, science, geog, COMPUTING, you name it, im better at it. except of course getting WASTED and DRUNK. oh i forgot, DONATING my body to every single guy that walks past. oh shes better at too. awwwwww so sad, she beat me. that disgusting whore/bitch/slut better give the necklace back.

anyone who wants their blogskin done, tell me. i'll do it when i have the time, ok? yea. i'll try my best.

www.iloveim.com is blocked already.. apparently one that was blocked long ago. idiotic marcos got the best one blocked. ):

& yay i heard zhuyi talk! AHAHAHAHA. and laugh. x)) hehehe..

all posts and tags are greatly appreciated and even loved. so please post and tag. (post, among my 3 bunnies)


/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 6:07 PM


/ 4minutes

i woke up half an hour early to talk to him for 4minutes, but it was worth it. x)

later today i want to collect abit of stuff from everyone to use and remember them by.

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 8:08 AM



sighh perns mother woke up.

ya anyway, important people.

changchang. (requires close observation)
kangan. (NEEDS attention, my poor bunny)
jingcheng. (needs to be notified)
minghan. (if he cares..)
and ofcourse, zhuyi, althought he 100% wont play. ):


/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 12:43 AM




pern just sent me brians favourite game! brian is DAMN pro at it la. and very nice to watch play. x= can starestare and he will ..... :DD

wheeeeeee pen and changchang sending me lots of stuff! ((:

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 12:20 AM


Sunday, August 27, 2006 / maple

hmmm. i created my maple account at about 2am yesterday. so its not yet 2 days old. yet its almost lvl 19. intriguing.

nothing much to say.

the house i havent seen empty for 9 years is now emptying out.

its almost time to die.

tomorrow, i want my last game of dota please. along with my last game of a few tds, archery, everything. and maple to level 20 perhaps. maybe, maybe not.
i actually asked zhu to play tomorrow but he cant. sighhhhhh..

pray i get a good life without a life.

you promised me you wont let me go to prom without you.
which reminds me i need my topup, write the statement, submit all the applications, etcetc.. baaaaaaaaao.

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 11:50 PM


/ ads

if you didnt notice, i removed the ad-attracter. for this blog only. not the old one.

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 1:09 PM


/ cut by chocolate

notice that the post sign off was changed to "was cut by chocolate" yesterday?
well its because i was cut by chocolate.

yessssssssss its damn fun.

and bao, the vertical lines dont appear. just use a l or capital i (I) please.

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 4:10 AM





interestingly, female.
more interestingly, single.
yet taken. yeaaa.

my preciousss (by request)

#1 - Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao
#2 - ZhuYi
#3 - MH
#4 - JingCheng
#555 - ChangChang
#6 - JingYu
#7777777 - PenPen
#8 - Soloxis


Blizzard Games
Magic The Gathering
Certain Music
Nothing much else
MH. specifically.

intensely dislikes

ignorant fools thinking theyre smart
people who lie randomly
people who stand me up
randoms touching my computer(s)
lousy/noisy/idiotic teachers
public singers who sound awful
leavers who ruin games

i wan pweesh
M-TG: KamigawaCycleBook3- Guardian
M-TG: RavnicaCycleBook1- Ravnica
M-TG: RavnicaCycleBook2- Guildpact
M-TG: RavnicaCycleBook3-
WC: WarOfTheAncientsBook3- TheSundering
WC: TheSunwellTrilogyBook1- DragonHunt
WC: TheSunwellTrilogyBook2- ShadowsOfIce
Wacraft- OfBloodAndHonour
WorldOfWarcraft- CycleOfHatred
The Art of Warcraft
Diablo- MoonOfTheSpider
Diablo- Demonsbane
Diablo Tales of Sanctuary
Battle Royale

Treasure Box
New Computer
Track Shoes
School Shoes
Pencil Case
School Bag

Creative Zen V / iPod
Nokia N91/72/71/6280

Money to play WOW
To see all my friends again

:AaronChan: :AaronChan:
:CuthbertYeo: :CuthbertYeo:
:NgJingCheng: (:
:JohnLim: :JohnLim:
:LinChen: (:
:Luther: :Luther:
:Soloxis: (:
:Tedmond: (:
:GohWeeTseng: :GohWeeTseng:
:NgYeLun: :NgYeLun:

places worth noting
Magic - The Gathering
World Of Warcraft
Neverwinter Nights
Silk Road
Maple SEA
Maple Resource
Nokia SG

web-based messengers
Kool IM
I Love IM

what me did
::the tomb::