Friday, September 22, 2006 / i offer a reward for the return of my boyboy
This is a dance that's sure to please
And I guarnatee that you'll learn it with ease
Stop what you're doing and listen to what I say
Cause the name of the dance is the Manta Ray
The Manta Ray Dance
I know you'll love it if you give it a chance
It's so fun to do I promise you
It's so easy to learn how to dance (?)
The very first thing that you have to do
Is lift up one of your legs and put it behind you
Put your arms out to your sides and bend halfway down
And then you can wave your arms around
Well this song is almost at an end
And I hope that we can do it again
So keep on practicing the Manta Ray
And maybe it'll become popular someday!
(= SoloXis =) [Daddy] Sometimes when we give up, we didn't know we are so close to succeeding… says:
I cant even do the first step -.-
i finally chatted to lots of people today. my msn was dying.
but he wasnt online! omh!
i went home, ok? even though i already told that person directly. got home 10+. then again, no one even missed me!
a simple 2GB usb flashdrive isnt going to fix everything. but it is a start. next comes the 512kbps internet, and then the freedom. FIX IT.
watched WOW and DOTA whole day.
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
11:28 PM
/ only one person will understand - pern
for a few weeks i didnt leak a tear,
last night, many fell from my eyes.
and i complained.
i thought there was someone there.
but really, no one is.
and there never will be.
because there cant be.
but of course, theres always a friend trying to help. thank you.
i didnt run away. i pretended to go to school, and now im back at home. im leaving soon though. i dont know where im going. but im thinking of going to someones house. someone who might or might not welcome me. i know his parents will though.
sorry to anyone who deserves it.
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
8:57 AM
Thursday, September 21, 2006 / running out of mc just to save each other
i thought i'd keep my boyboy with me forever. guess i'm just a useless mummy. sigh. i don't want to try to takecare peeples anymore.
*flashback* three people standing outside world of jj. each takes out a phone. all are 6610i and have a blue cover. each person flips over their phone. there are 3 different backs; a plain blue, a silver dragon on black, and a smiley face on red. everyone laughs. *end flashback* i'll see you both again one day. same place, same time.
tuesday was the last day in english with music. damn. III put in red hot chili peppers stadium arcadium, jupiter. (:
minghan been asking for something for 1 week already! hehehe. i give today i guess. cos always wrong timing, each of us. btw theres ALOT more better drawings now. as in like SOOOO much better. in my art diary.
and i didnt get in 400m. 1.22min. too slow. too tired. wasnt in the mood to run. i bet if i'd run 100m i'd have got 16sec. lol. and my 100m timing (current) is now 14.26. sigh.
and i was late for school today. and got detention, but forgot to go.
soon, ON TO WAR3, WOW and NWN. and then, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and NWN2! i am not a gaylord.
sorry to baobao for yesterday.

my finally destroyed bag. even though it dont really look it.
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
5:41 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006 / poon jie sheng
my bag broke. i was running out of the school gate and my bag broke. so the bag fell onto the floor. wheee.. i turned, picked it up, and walked away. then started running again. laalalla. back to my op boarding ba
hmmm maple. more TOOTers today. 3v1. some girl called 2 boys to type nonsense to me. including "shutup" when they were the ones talking and i was killing bookies. HEEEX. ok you know what? lets turn this into an abuse of maplers. k well, most maplers are FUCKed up. thats how bad they are. looters, ksers, RANDOMABUSERS. of course, the third mentioned are the worst. idiotic. people who stereotype, have no respect, and etc. oh and who are super vulgar. worse than i ever was. girls. k so anyway maplers suck k thx. except a small amount who are nice.
and yes im running for the engineering scholarship. now getting the teacher/etc references. arhh.. but apparently all the teachers are more than happy to write. even say theres so much nice stuff to say about me. (i ignored the maths teacher. didnt say anything to her cos shes a bitch.) yea.. and my chem teachers says i stand a DAMN good chance. okok pray. now to get photocopies of results etc.
and SINCE WHEN WAS I A SPRINTER?! i have my name down for 100m, 200m and 800m. 400m i didnt try out. final trial tmr. my name is there.
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
9:33 PM
Monday, September 18, 2006 / maplemaplemaple.
k see? i play MAPLE. OOooOOooOO. and im making a spare bootes lol.
k this is my day. typical day, actually, but what happened today. english, i gave my teacher the list of nice books. and he let the class listen to (originally) stadium arcadium, but it got changed to led zepellin and then white stripes. damn. k then maths sucked. suprise test, mark on spot, i got 100%. but the teacher STILL spends the whole lesson picking on me. NICE ONE.
web design, my project is on GAMES. woots! gonna make it on WOW, maple, war3 and.. d2? ya. and nwn. computer scholarship project is on.. CHEM! LOL. and im submitting an application for an engineering scholarship thingy. ohdamn. can or not.
kk i need some extreme portable storage and nvn2.
maybe subscribe a magazine. computer magazine obviously. girl magazines suck. except for cosmopolitan.. and fhm.. fhm IS for girls right..? :DD
i got a drawing booky thing today.
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
10:52 PM
Sunday, September 17, 2006 / oh.
oh. i thought no one read my blog anymore so i didnt bother to post. apparently some people do read. k.
well, yes i have your drawing mh, drew it on thursday. theres 2. but apparently the second one is so much cuter. thing is, im not sure you like cute.
yea on friday i didnt go to school. i stayed at home and slept. until 10 then i went to spend the rest of the day cleaning the house. the dust was BAD.
i just came home from running around outside trying to get a modem. very hot. soooo hot. i wore wrong clothes.
and no, everything is not fine. i just stopped complaining, stopped crying, stopped everything. i just sit and stone. no not really stone, i havent started drugs yet. oops. take away the yet.
and to changchang, it was just a misunderstanding please. i WAS waiting for you. i walked back and forth around perion looking for you. dont forget you refused to tell me where you were. and then you died. that "boyfriend" of mine is just some 12 yr old kid ffs. and i DID make it clear.
to those maplers out there, if you see killer8252, DEFAME. DEFAME UPON SIGHT. IMMEDIATELY. k thx.
/blankyy was cut by chocolate.
1:48 PM