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Thursday, September 28, 2006 / go to


/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 8:58 PM


/ brian died ):

brian died. ))): i cant tell you what happened to him.

k anyway i got my engineering scholarship reference from my chem teacher already.. it doesnt sound impressive at all. ):
this is it: Yi-Ling Lim has been one of my science students in 2006. She is a quiet, diligent student who, on academic performance, is ranked in the top 5% of her year group. Further, she has an enquiring mind and an exceptional higher order thinking skills as evidenced by her ability to balance difficult chemical equations and multi step mathematical problems. Yi-Ling has expressed genuine interest in pursuing Chemical or Software Engineering. I believe that her natural abilities and drive make her an excellent candidate for an Engineering Scholarship.
toot its so.. it makes me seem retarded. toot. guess its better than nothing though.

and for my chemistry exam today, i was so worried i didnt get all the papers or something because i finished so early. i finished in i think 1/5 the time of the last person. some people didnt even finish the exam, and the other.. person who is good in chem.. finished about 10minutes after me. i was so worried i asked the teacher if there was more to it. >.<

and baaaaaao pissed me off. friggin keep smsing me. is it not possible for me to be at home and not talk to you? and i left school late, getting my reference from my teacher. am i not allowed to use the phone to call other people? is it my fault you deleted yourself from my msn messenger? you know what? im banning you from my account. changing my password. and then my mum pissed me off with stupid questions when i had already answered it 5 times. so.. #@%@#% screw off.

i got d(istinction) for a stupid maths comp. stupid.

there's only one person i reallyreally want to be around. (mentioned below)

mh called me! hahaha. 1minute before the teacher said we could leave! arghh!! what did he want?? and did he get my websms? ._.

i need to do something about my blog. it doesnt seem right.

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 4:36 PM


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 / what is this

if all that before was just crap, then what is this now.
and dont go telling everyone rubbish.
is there really the need to talk so much when im not your gf?

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 9:00 PM


/ in programming

ok gay the computer screwed up and i lost my work. but doesnt matter because rujuta let me copy hers. (means transfer through usb drive)

ok well baaaaaaaaao or penpen, pass this chunk of words to joel.
its not easy to have an overseas relationship obviously, and its by far not recommended.
theres a less than 1% chance it will actually work out too.
you dont know what each other are doing and cant really be sure unless you have solid proof and belief that neither will cheat on the other etc. otherwise, she could have a boyfriend where she is and you might not know. it's just a waste of time.
you dont know if you can trust her or not unless she's fully truthful with you and you know her friends or know things that support what she says.
another horrible killer is the lack of a simple touch. it CAN destroy.
i know because it happened to me.
get a girlfriend you can actually see. on a regular, once per week basis.
unless theres something i dont know? like maybe you lived with her for 2 years. ahh then thats different.

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 9:08 AM


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 / the.j0k3r

here. this is the original post for today:
all my life i've never been motivated.
you'll be my motivation.
all my life i've been deprived of love.
you provide me love.
with love and motivation
i will finally move on, finally progress and forget the past.
don't need attitude problems.

you're right. i'm too tense.
don't leave me.
i'll live through you.


i guess its still the same. just without the love.
warpten - instant build.
i can stand on my own.

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 6:43 PM


Monday, September 25, 2006 / heex slyvanass@hotmail.com

heex i went to try out slyvanass@hotmail.com.
ok joking. forgot about 20/131. heeeeex.
i would use it, just that there's too many random or hated people and dave said not to bother.
then there's d4rk.m4g3@hotmail.com. and non.existant@hotmail.com. woooots.
oh yes i was supposed to finish off my thingy from yesterday.
well.. my email and friends definitely have changed, composition of every online factor has changed, everything has just changed.
remember that girl that used to walk around so much like a boy, other girls thought she was a boy? remember that girl that used to walk around wearing skimpy clothes with random boys? both no longer exist. yay.

of course, there are things still things that HAVENT changed. i was, still am, always will be that girl that simply LOVES blizzard! (:
i still get called a boy. i still have my own fashion that follows only MY trend.
i still have 6 earholes. still wear 6 different earrings all the time.
still have the same phone. (even though it looks so different..)
(its now a broken blue wreck..)
oh and im still that "joker". x) its not called "cute" ok. its called JOKER. HA.

and i'm finally returning to my.. roots. x) back to blizzard, back to war3, back to WOW!!! (((: wow omgomgomgftw. (: sorry i'm just so excited. but i STILL havent decided how to pay. xDxDxD but even so, no wow, can war3. fix cd drive, and i can play nwn. and later nwn2, stalker, ANYTHING I WANT FTW!!!!

octopussie is my word. when i'm famous i'm going to make it an official word.
octopussie : noun. an octopus slightly modified. a mastation (masturbation-creation) creature. lives in jelly. flies in mercury. swims in titanium. walks in argon and astatine. reacts very violently with fire. destroyed only by over-masturbation. fights with a scythe, rarely anything else. likes thistles. likes to give people funny looks. absolutely LOVES pandas!
i also created angelick. NOT used in the context : angelick your balls. angelick your ass.


im ponning the skate comp.

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 8:20 PM


Sunday, September 24, 2006 / a special post

a very sentimental post to update all those people who want to be up to date with my life.

1st up are those very obvious things like.. there's too much i miss, there's too much i need, there's just so much of everything. so many memories playing in my head..
specifically, i want to see him again, even if it is just that. a look. i want to go out with friends again. i want to meet people again. i want to enjoy myself again. i want to be happy. happiness comes from within. i will only make myself happy when i have a social life.

its been more than a year now. whats different?
i look very different. i've grown up physically too. i'm SHORTER. haha.
i sound very different. now its neither that deep wannabe-boys voice, nor that slutty high pitched voice. cept when im feeling.. crazy.
i walk different. i dont have that "ahbeng walk" anymore. i dont walk and purposely make noise with my bag. ( i STILL remember your complaints about my noisy walking!) neither do i flip it up and see if it hits my head. i still use the same bag though. that khaki op boarding slingbag. and the same wallet.

attitude is SOOOOOOOOOOOO different. you'll never recognise me by all that.

i'll finish this tomorrow.cant be bothered. x)

but i'll just say that, though a nicholas made me somewhat upset, a certain boy made my day. (:
you'll never guess who. :P

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 9:45 PM


Friday, September 22, 2006 / i offer a reward for the return of my boyboy

This is a dance that's sure to please
And I guarnatee that you'll learn it with ease
Stop what you're doing and listen to what I say
Cause the name of the dance is the Manta Ray
The Manta Ray Dance
I know you'll love it if you give it a chance
It's so fun to do I promise you
It's so easy to learn how to dance (?)
The very first thing that you have to do
Is lift up one of your legs and put it behind you
Put your arms out to your sides and bend halfway down
And then you can wave your arms around
Well this song is almost at an end
And I hope that we can do it again
So keep on practicing the Manta Ray
And maybe it'll become popular someday!

(= SoloXis =) [Daddy] Sometimes when we give up, we didn't know we are so close to succeeding… says:
I cant even do the first step -.-

i finally chatted to lots of people today. my msn was dying.
but he wasnt online! omh!

i went home, ok? even though i already told that person directly. got home 10+. then again, no one even missed me!

a simple 2GB usb flashdrive isnt going to fix everything. but it is a start. next comes the 512kbps internet, and then the freedom. FIX IT.

watched WOW and DOTA whole day.

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 11:28 PM


/ only one person will understand - pern

for a few weeks i didnt leak a tear,
last night, many fell from my eyes.
and i complained.
i thought there was someone there.
but really, no one is.
and there never will be.
because there cant be.

but of course, theres always a friend trying to help. thank you.

i didnt run away. i pretended to go to school, and now im back at home. im leaving soon though. i dont know where im going. but im thinking of going to someones house. someone who might or might not welcome me. i know his parents will though.

sorry to anyone who deserves it.

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 8:57 AM


Thursday, September 21, 2006 / running out of mc just to save each other

i thought i'd keep my boyboy with me forever. guess i'm just a useless mummy. sigh. i don't want to try to takecare peeples anymore.

*flashback* three people standing outside world of jj. each takes out a phone. all are 6610i and have a blue cover. each person flips over their phone. there are 3 different backs; a plain blue, a silver dragon on black, and a smiley face on red. everyone laughs. *end flashback* i'll see you both again one day. same place, same time.

tuesday was the last day in english with music. damn. III put in red hot chili peppers stadium arcadium, jupiter. (:

minghan been asking for something for 1 week already! hehehe. i give today i guess. cos always wrong timing, each of us. btw theres ALOT more better drawings now. as in like SOOOO much better. in my art diary.

and i didnt get in 400m. 1.22min. too slow. too tired. wasnt in the mood to run. i bet if i'd run 100m i'd have got 16sec. lol. and my 100m timing (current) is now 14.26. sigh.

and i was late for school today. and got detention, but forgot to go.

soon, ON TO WAR3, WOW and NWN. and then, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and NWN2! i am not a gaylord.

sorry to baobao for yesterday.

my finally destroyed bag. even though it dont really look it.

/blankyy was cut by chocolate. 5:41 PM





interestingly, female.
more interestingly, single.
yet taken. yeaaa.

my preciousss (by request)

#1 - Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao
#2 - ZhuYi
#3 - MH
#4 - JingCheng
#555 - ChangChang
#6 - JingYu
#7777777 - PenPen
#8 - Soloxis


Blizzard Games
Magic The Gathering
Certain Music
Nothing much else
MH. specifically.

intensely dislikes

ignorant fools thinking theyre smart
people who lie randomly
people who stand me up
randoms touching my computer(s)
lousy/noisy/idiotic teachers
public singers who sound awful
leavers who ruin games

i wan pweesh
M-TG: KamigawaCycleBook3- Guardian
M-TG: RavnicaCycleBook1- Ravnica
M-TG: RavnicaCycleBook2- Guildpact
M-TG: RavnicaCycleBook3-
WC: WarOfTheAncientsBook3- TheSundering
WC: TheSunwellTrilogyBook1- DragonHunt
WC: TheSunwellTrilogyBook2- ShadowsOfIce
Wacraft- OfBloodAndHonour
WorldOfWarcraft- CycleOfHatred
The Art of Warcraft
Diablo- MoonOfTheSpider
Diablo- Demonsbane
Diablo Tales of Sanctuary
Battle Royale

Treasure Box
New Computer
Track Shoes
School Shoes
Pencil Case
School Bag

Creative Zen V / iPod
Nokia N91/72/71/6280

Money to play WOW
To see all my friends again

:AaronChan: :AaronChan:
:CuthbertYeo: :CuthbertYeo:
:NgJingCheng: (:
:JohnLim: :JohnLim:
:LinChen: (:
:Luther: :Luther:
:Soloxis: (:
:Tedmond: (:
:GohWeeTseng: :GohWeeTseng:
:NgYeLun: :NgYeLun:

places worth noting
Magic - The Gathering
World Of Warcraft
Neverwinter Nights
Silk Road
Maple SEA
Maple Resource
Nokia SG

web-based messengers
Kool IM
I Love IM

what me did
::the tomb::